Residential Lawn Care in Manassas: 5 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Manassas

Lawn care has its own unique terminology, describing everything from what we’re looking for in our initial lawn evaluation to the issues we address in our treatments. Whether you hear these lawn care-specific terms from our technicians at Lawn Doctor of Woodbridge-Manassas-Dumfries or your neighbors, it’s helpful to have at least a basic understanding of them. Below, we’ll take a quick look at a few essential residential lawn care terms that homeowners should be familiar with.

Essential Terms for Residential Lawn Care in Manassas

There’s a wide range of industry-specific terms that can come up throughout the residential lawn care process. Here’s a closer look at a few of them:

1. Pre & Post-Emergent

Our team utilizes comprehensive treatments to fight a wide range of different weeds. During the weed control process, you might hear the terms “pre-emergent” and “post-emergent” pop up. These terms refer to whether the treatments we’re fighting weeds with are specifically targeting weeds that have broken through your lawn’s surface already or weeds that are still underground.

2. Compaction

“Compaction” refers to the compression that can build in your soil from season to season. And when your soil is packed too tightly together and there’s too much compaction, it can restrict root growth and block the essential circulation of resources under your lawn’s surface.

3. Red Thread

There are several lawn diseases that can appear in your lawn throughout the seasons. One of these diseases is called “red thread.” Red thread is caused by a fungus, which is why it’s generally treated with a fungicide, but it can generally be prevented through effective, consistent lawn maintenance.

4. Brown Patch

Brown patch is another common lawn disease. This lawn disease can have a major impact on your lawn’s overall appearance, taking form as a large, unsightly brown spot on your lawn. However, like red thread, brown patch can be prevented by supporting your lawn’s general health from season to season.

5. Scalping

How you mow your grass affects its overall health, especially when it comes to mowing it too short. Mowing your grass too short is called “scalping,” and it puts your lawn at risk by making it easier for weeds to move in and spread.

We offer proven residential grass care to homeowners located throughout the following communities:

  • Manassas
  • Woodbridge
  • Dumfries
  • Prince William County
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Manassas, contact us today!