A Guide to Grassy Weed Control Services in Sewickley

weed control service Sewickley

Do you know how to identify and deal with the grassy weeds on your lawn? Most homeowners don’t. In fact, grassy weeds bring along unique challenges that aren’t always present with other common weed types. That’s why it’s better to let a professional weed control service like Lawn Doctor of Wexford-McCandless-Sewickley handle these weed species rather than trying to manage them using DIY hacks. Learn more about this nuisance and how our team can protect your yard in Sewickley below.

Learn More About Grassy Weeds

With a long list of grassy weeds to watch out for in the local area, it’s important to know what they are and some of the risks that come along with trying to treat them yourself. For example, you might encounter stubborn crabgrass, coarse quackgrass, clumpy foxtail, or resilient barnyard grass. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to grassy weed species:

  • What they are. Grassy weeds, like all weeds, are just invasive plants that take root and crowd out more favorable plants, such as your turfgrass. These are distinguished from other weed types, particularly broadleaf weeds, by their turf-like appearance and biological structure, as well as the fact that they don’t produce flowers.
  • Why they are so tough to manage. Grassy weeds have specific characteristics that often make them more of a headache than other weed types. For example, because they can blend in pretty easily with your turfgrass, they often have more time to spread before you notice them. Additionally, they tend to grow deep, extensive root networks that make pulling them out by hand virtually impossible without setting the stage for regeneration.
  • The risks of DIY grassy weed management. It’s important to keep in mind that your turfgrass could be harmed by any treatments you use to manage grassy weeds, as the two plant types are so similar. Only professionals with plenty of experience and access to precise tools should be trusted with this task.

Preserve Your Lawn With Our Weed Control Services in Sewickley

Our local team makes use of proven techniques to control the spread of grassy weeds. Learn more about how we can protect your lawn in:

  • Sewickley
  • Wexford
  • McCandless
  • Bethel Park
  • Upper St Clair
  • Mars
  • Cranberry Twp
  • Gibsonia
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For a weed control service in Sewickley,contact us today!