Your lawn is constantly at risk from the numerous internal and external factors that can damage its health and appearance. To keep these factors from taking their toll on your lawn, or help it recover if they already have, area homeowners turn to our team at Lawn Doctor of Avon-North Ridgeville. We implement a full range of different lawn treatments to fight common threats and keep area lawns healthy and looking great throughout the year. With our selection of lawn care services, we bring homeowners all over the Westlake, North Ridgeville, Avon, North Olmsted, Rocky River, Bay Village, and Avon Lake, OH areas lawns that they can be proud of.
Premium Lawn Care Services for Healthier Lawns in Westlake
When you leave common lawn problems like spots, patches, or soil issues unaddressed, they can completely take over your lawn and make it more susceptible to other internal and external threats. At Lawn Doctor of Avon-North Ridgeville, we utilize our custom-tailored lawn care services to effectively deal with any present threats in your lawn, while also preventing new issues from taking hold of your yard’s soil and plants. We utilize our services in several different ways to remedy issues and boost overall health, here are a few of them:
Growth Issues
When spots, patches, and other thin areas start appearing in your yard, it can be a sign of several different potential factors. With our proven lawn care services options in Westlake, we’ll diagnose the core issue, correct it, then fill in any unsightly patches. With our power seeding treatments, we utilize advanced seed application technology to boost germination for a fuller, greener yard.
Compacted Soil
Compacted soil can do a number on the plants in your lawn by preventing them from accessing the elements they need to survive. With our core aeration services from Lawn Doctor of Avon-North Ridgeville, we strategically remove soil cores from your lawn to relieve compression and restore the healthy circulation of water, oxygen, and nutrients.
Chemical Imbalances
Your lawn’s pH, or its measure of acidity, plays a big part in determining your lawn’s overall health. If your yard is either too acidic or not acidic enough, it can have trouble absorbing nutrients. We correct these imbalances and get your yard back on track to healthy growth with our pH balancing treatments.
Call Lawn Doctor of Avon-North Ridgeville today at (440) 554-3020 to learn more about the lawn care services we offer to homeowners in Westlake, North Ridgeville, North Olmsted, Avon, Rocky River, Bay Village, Avon Lake, and the surrounding communities.