To keep your lawn healthy, certain tasks must be completed on a daily basis, while others need to be done seasonally. There are even some activities that have to be done on an annual or biannual basis, such as lawn aeration. While lawns don’t require aeration as frequently as watering or fertilization, this task is still necessary to maintain a thriving turf system. If you are curious whether it’s time to aerate your lawn in Brandywine, you can learn more about this process below.
Is It Time For Lawn Aeration in Brandywine?
When aeration isn’t done with the right frequency, your soil could become so compressed that grassroots are cut off from all the essential nutrients they need. Here’s a closer look at signs that your soil is compacted and guidelines for appropriately timing aeration.
Signs You Need Aeration
Do you often park vehicles or machinery on your lawn, or does it experience a lot of foot traffic? This constant pressure will contribute to compaction. Puddling is also a sign that compaction is a current issue. To better understand how densely compressed your soil is, reach for a screwdriver and see if you can easily insert it into the soil. If you face a lot of resistance, your lawn probably needs aeration.
How Often Aeration Is Necessary
As a general guideline, local lawns should be aerated every year or two. However, aeration should also be performed at the right time of year to loosen up the soil before the growing season and provide roots with the necessary space for healthy growth and easy access to nutrients. The cool season grasses common to the Brandywine area experience best results with aeration in the early spring or early fall.
Get Started With Lawn Aeration in Brandywine
Lawn Doctor of Fort Washington-Clinton-Waldorf-Brandywine can help you understand whether compaction is currently causing problems for your lawn. Then, we can use our core aerator to increase air circulation and get rid of excess thatch at just the right moment for your specific grass type.
Covered by a no-nonsense guarantee, our services help lawns in the following communities thrive:
- Brandywine
- Waldorf
- La Plata
- Clinton
- Fort Washington
- And throughout the surrounding area
For lawn aeration in Brandywine,contact us today!