Rainfall and foot traffic can apply a lot of pressure to your lawn. Over time, this can lead to the soil becoming compacted, which will then prevent nutrients from reaching your roots. When this occurs, your lawn will experience poor growth, declining health, and insufficient protection from outside threats. With lawn aeration from Lawn Doctor of Fort Washington-Clinton-Waldorf-Brandywine, we can restore healthy nutrient flow and negate the effects of soil compaction.
Waldorf Homeowners Rely On Our Lawn Aeration
The aeration process is designed to improve air flow in your soil and allow vital nutrients and water to reach your roots. We do this by pulling out small ‘cores’ of soil from your lawn. This leads to increased oxygen inside your soil, which will then open things up and allow nutrients to get where they belong.
To determine if now is the right time for this vital procedure, you can conduct what is known as the screwdriver test. Simply take a screwdriver and attempt to drive it into your soil. If you can easily poke it through, there is no need for aeration. If you encounter resistance, it is time to boost air flow in your lawn.
Aeration is carried out with heavy equipment that is not easy to properly operate. It is also expensive to rent, so DIY attempts should be approached with extreme caution. You are much better off letting our professionals handle this complex and vital treatment. We have the experience and skills to get the job done right, saving you from the expensive mistakes that often result from DIY attempts.
When this procedure is done properly, the benefits are tremendous. Your lawn will have stronger roots with full access to vital nutrients. This will lead to fuller and healthier grass with a distinct green appearance. A properly aerated lawn will also respond better to other lawn care services, such as fertilization and weed control.
Expert Lawn Aeration Backed by our Guarantee
We offer our professional services throughout Waldorf, Brandywine, La Plata, Clinton, Fort Washington, and the surrounding areas. Lawn aeration is a vital way to improve nutrient absorption, increase protection from outside threats, and maintain healthy growth. It also helps to improve the efficiency of other treatments, leading to lower lawn care costs and all sorts of positive results for your grass.
For lawn aeration in Waldorf, contact us today!