Soil Amenities

Lawns need more than fertilizer to stay green. To help make fertilizer more effective, your lawn should be tested and balanced for proper PH. Lawn Doctor will send a sample of your soil to a lab to be analyzed. Proper PH levels promote favorable growing conditions-encouraging strong hardy plants that are less susceptible to damage caused by disease.


Loosens soil compaction, help promote drainage.

Creates healthy environment for bacteria and Microbes.

Improves soil structure of clay and heavy soils.

Increases air movement in soil.

Dislodges sodium (salt) in soil.

It is a fast way to add calcium to soil.

Helps reduce dog urine damage.



What does K-Mag do for my turf?

Magnesium is a macronutrient which chlorophyll synthesis and plant life depend on.

Potassium is a primary turf grass nutrient.

Potassium has strong influence on drought tolerance, cold hardiness.

Potassium increases disease resistance.




Lime can treat the imbalance of your lawn’s PH levels.

Lime naturally brings the PH level in balance with recommended levels for healthy lawns.

Lime slows thatch build up, which can choke growth and reduce turf density.

Lime reduces the possibility of lawn fungus problems.




Slows thatch build-up which can choke growth, reduce turf density, and harbor disease and insects.

Reduces iron chlorosis (yellowing) by making iron in the soil more available to the grass plant.

Increases the effectiveness of fertilizer.

Reduces the potential for lawn fungus.