Tips for Weed Control in Clayton

Weed Control in Clayton

Are weeds encroaching on your lush, green turf? Without the proper weed control plan put into place, you can expect those invasive plants to start doing a number on your grass. Many weeds are known to be aggressive and stubborn, a challenging combination of characteristics that can leave you puzzled about getting rid of a weed infestation in Clayton. After reviewing the tips below from Lawn Doctor of St. Louis, you’ll have a better idea of how to take action against dandelions, crabgrass, clover, and other annoying weeds.

Improve Your Strategy for Weed Control in Clayton

To form an effective approach against weeds, we recommend taking the following tips into account:

  • Get familiar with weed types in your area. Some weeds are easy to spot, such as dandelions, while others can blend in with your turfgrass and conduct an insidious takeover. We suggest learning more about the different weed species that are common to the local area so that you can get better at identifying them before they get out of hand.
  • Learn more about how weeds spread. Weed seeds can get onto your lawn in various ways, from flying in on wind currents to being dropped by birds who have ingested them. The more you know about how easily weed seeds can spread and reach your lawn, the more vigilant you will be about implementing protection for your grass.
  • Gain access to a number of treatment options. Manually weeding your lawn may seem like the most surefire way to get rid of these plants, but it is rarely the best solution available. Consider getting started with professional weed control treatments from our local lawn service to diversify your approach to combating weeds. We take account of the specific type of weed we’re dealing with and then choose which method is going to work best at preventing its spread, whether that’s a pre-emergent or post-emergent formula.

Start Benefiting From Professional Weed Control!

For a weed control strategy that has been proven to be effective, reach out to our lawn care team today. We are here to help you reclaim your lawn and get your weed problem under control if you currently reside in:

  • Clayton
  • St. Louis County
  • University City
  • Ladue
  • Frontenac
  • Ballwin
  • Chesterfield
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For weed control in Clayton,contact us today!