How Do I Know If My Lawn Needs Fertilizer?

“We’re first time homeowners, and we’ve never really dealt with lawn care before,” Jason said. With his wife Lynn and three kids, he’s enjoying the huge backyard in his Wareham home – but the landscape isn’t everything it could be. “I want the place to look better,” he said. “But I don’t even know where to start. How do I know if my lawn needs fertilizer? Could that be what’s wrong with my grass?”

As a Wareham lawn services company, we can tell you that the majority of yards in our area could definitely benefit from some nutritional enrichment. While our climate isn’t exactly unique – the neighborhood is similar to many in the greater Boston area – the fact is that there’s a lot of sandy, poor soil that’s not ideal for grass growth.

Three Signs Your Lawn Could Use Some Fertilizer

Want to see if your lawn could use some fertilizer? The pros will tell you to look for three tell tale signs: poor color, patchy growth, and lots of weeds.

Let’s look at each symptom in turn and understand what it means for your landscape.

Poor Color: The Grass Really is Greener on the Other Side of the Fence

When grass is strong and healthy, it’s a vibrant green color. When grass is not feeling its best, it will start to fade, changing to a lighter shade of green before turning yellow or brown. An application of the appropriate fertilizer will provide the much-needed nutrition the grass needs to return to its normal vibrant green. Yellow or brown grass can also be indicative of a lack of water. Your local lawn service can advise you if you’re not sure what’s going on, but as a best practice, make sure you’re watering the lawn as needed.

Patchy Growth: Bare Spots on the Lawn are 1 of 2 Common Lawn Problems

If you have areas of bare soil on the lawn, where absolutely nothing will grow, the cause is likely one of two common lawn problems. The first issue is heavily compacted soil, where the ground is literally too dense for grass seed to take root. The second issue is – you guessed it! – poor nutrition, which can be remedied by your Wareham lawn fertilization company.

Lots of Weeds: Crabgrass Crowds All The Good Grass Out

Crabgrass is the most well known of common lawn weeds in Massachusetts. There’s a good reason for that. Crabgrass will grow in any spot it can. It doesn’t care if the soil isn’t particularly nutritious. It will grow anyway. And once crabgrass starts growing, it very rapidly takes over the entire yard. The green grass you want to enjoy can’t fight back against the crabgrass – unless the grass is strong and vigorous. To have strong, vigorous grass, you need fertilizer. And to get rid of pesky crabgrass, talk to your local lawn service about pre-emergent weed control.