A Guide to Grassy Weed Control Services in Tolland

Weed Control Services in Tolland

Grassy weeds are one of your lawn’s primary nemeses. So how can you stop them from taking over? These types of weeds can be more challenging for homeowners to handle without professional help due to their ability to blend in with grass and their biological similarity to the turf you want to preserve. That’s why it’s key to have a weed control service you can count on to banish grassy weeds from your lawn in Tolland. Learn more about these pesky plants and the professional weed control services offered by Lawn Doctor of Middletown-Groton-Tolland-Torrington below!

Learn More About Grassy Weeds

Let’s take a closer look at what grassy weeds are, what makes them such a challenging problem, and why you can trust our technicians to keep them at bay:

  • Defining grassy weeds. Much like any other weed, grassy weeds are simply plants that you don’t want growing on your lawn. However, what makes them different from dandelions and other common broadleaf weeds is that they look so much like turfgrass and also grow under the very same conditions. Some of the grassy weeds you might deal with on your lawn in Tolland include quackgrass, foxtail, nimblewill, and crabgrass.
  • Understanding grassy weed invasions. One of the many reasons grassy weeds can be so problematic is that they tend to spread quickly and also produce extensive root systems. This means that your efforts to pull them out by hand likely won’t get you anywhere. Furthermore, any DIY treatments you may apply will likely harm your turfgrass since the two plants are so similar.
  • Addressing the issue of grassy weeds. All this doesn’t mean that grassy weeds are invulnerable. Our professionals take a specific approach to managing the growth of these invasive plants that prevents their spread with pre-emergent treatments and neutralizes active weeds with carefully applied post-emergent formulas that target the issue without harming your lawn.

Preserve Your Lawn With Our Weed Control Services in Tolland

Are you ready to learn more about what makes our weed control services the right choice for knocking out grassy weeds and other types of invasive plants? Reach out to our local team for details about our guaranteed weed treatments and lawn care services in:

  • Tolland
  • Middletown
  • Groton
  • Torrington
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For a weed control service in Tolland,contact us today!