Glossary of Lawn Care Terms
Interested in finding out more about the lawn care terminology we use throughout our website? Check out our extensive lawn care glossary.
Anti-desiccant – This foliage spray is aimed at helping trees (especially evergreens) retain moisture in wintry or dry conditions
Broadleaf weeds – Dandelion, chickweed, clover or other weeds that grab resources away from turf and disrupt the lawn’s texture.
Crabgrass – This grass grows high, has branching stems and often has purplish tones. Crabgrass spreads easily and crowds out other kinds of turf. It disrupts your lawn’s uniform presentation.
Fairy Ring – Mushroom in a circular ring, naturally occurring in lawns. In the center of the fairy ring is dark green grass. Mushroom spores spawn underground and fan out in every direction, searching for nutrients. We have a program to help!
Fertilizer – Inorganic or organic compounds that encourage plant growth by providing micro- and major nutrients.
Fertilization – The correct application of the correct amount of fertilizer promotes flowering and growth in plants and turf. Also referred to as “feeding.”
Fleas – Tiny insects that do not harm lawns but are a health problem and nuisance for pets and humans because they feed upon mammals’ blood.
Foundation plants – Shrubs and trees that add to a home’s appearance when situated next to the home’s foundation.
Grass-cycling – Process of letting grass clippings stay on the lawn and naturally decompose, putting nutrients back in the soil. Zoysia grass should be bagged.
Grassy weeds – Crabgrass, goose grass, foxtail and other weeds that cause a lawn to look uneven and remove resources from the create an uneven look to lawns and take resources from the preferable grass.
Grubs – Beetles in their larval forms, grubs live in the soil and they feed on the roots of plants. A lawn damaged by grubs typically usually shows big, irregular areas of brown turf that easily detach from the soil. Spring and fall applications will control grubs.
Integrated pest management (IPM) – IPM combines monitoring, control products, cultural care and correct plant selection to control pests.
Micronutrients – Essential nutrients required in small amounts for healthy plant growth.
Moles – Small tunnel-digging mammals that leave unsightly trails on the lawn’s surface and disrupt the grass root system.
Mulch – Any material that is applied to soil to improve or protect a particular area. Often placed around shrubs and trees to protect against weeds and help in the retention of water.
pH level – Indicates alkalinity or acidity of soil. A pH neutral value is 7.0. Values below this level are acidic and values above this level are alkaline. You can raise soil pH with the addition of lime, which increases alkalinity, and lower it with the addition of sulfur, which increases acidity.
Pre-emergent weed control – Treatment used in the prevention of crabgrass and other weeds.
Soil enrichment – Process that improves quality of soil through the addition of microbes and organic supplements to promote soil health.
Ticks – These tiny creatures are technically a part of the arachnid family. They feed on the blood of humans and pets. Ticks can be dangerous because they could be carrying life-threatening and debilitating diseases such as Lyme and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Ticks do not harm turf.