Grubs are the larvae of Beetles. They feed on the Root System of turf during spring and fall months. An infestation of more than 6 to 10 grubs per square foot can be devastating to sod, causing large, brown areas of dead grass. Damaged sod can sometimes be peeled back or pulled up like carpet. Life cycles of various beetles are from one to four years. From early spring to mid-summer, females burrow through the turf into the soil and deposit tiny white eggs.
Lawn Doctor’s Grub Prevention Program can benefit your lawn by providing long, residual protection against subsurface insects – effectively, economically, and with no offensive odor. Symptoms of grub damage include a gradual thinning of your lawn despite adequate watering, and scattered irregular dead patches that feel spongy underfoot and can be pulled up or rolled back easily. At Lawn Doctor of Little Rock, we offer both preventative and curative Grub Control applications. Preventative treatments are applied during the spring months, while our curative treatments are applied in the fall. These applications will help minimize damage caused by existing grubs in your lawn. Call our office in Little Rock for more information about Grub Control applications.Grub Control
Grub Control in Little Rock