Autumn is an important season for your lawn’s health and appearance. Not only is it rebuilding and repairing after a stressful summer, but also getting ready to go into dormancy during the colder weather months ahead. When it has all it needs to do this work, it will come back bright and beautiful next spring. And at Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth, we can help you get it there. We know fall lawn care in the Keller, TX area requires a few key steps, including the following:
Fertilize your lawn. Just like people, your grass needs fuel to grow, defend itself, and stand strong and beautiful. Make sure it has all the right vitamins and minerals by fertilizing in fall. It will recover faster from summer stress and grow back greener and lusher next spring.
Stop broadleaf weeds. Broadleaf perennial weeds are more vulnerable in the fall as they’re taking in resources from their surroundings to build up food reserves for winter. When you treat them now, they’ll absorb weed control products right into the root system.
Keep mowing, watering, and raking. Continue with these all-important lawn care tasks throughout the Keller area’s fall until your grass goes dormant. Cut it to around three inches high each time, water if grass is getting less than one inch of moisture a week, and rake up fallen leaves that are blocking out sunlight.
Reduce soil compaction. Heavy summer foot traffic and yard usage, combined with clay soil, all lead to compaction. This limits water, air, and nutrients from getting to roots. Get these resources flowing freely and easily again by aerating.
Let Keller’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help
Getting the most from fall lawn care requires precise timing, which is where Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth can help. While you maintain turf through tasks like mowing and watering, we can develop a customized plan and schedule built on the unique attributes of your yard, as well as autumn’s growing conditions. This will give it exactly what it needs on a schedule that’s like clockwork, all for gorgeous green grass next spring.
Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth at (817) 577-1405 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in Keller, Haslet, NW Fort Worth, and Southlake, TX, as well as other nearby areas.