Your yard is constantly facing a barrage of threats, from weed infestations to changing weather. However, among all the threats that can pop up in your yard, grubs are some of the most destructive. If these pests are left unaddressed, they can quickly kill off large sections of your grass. With our proven comprehensive grub control in Granbury, we’ll help you fight these pests and prevent them from coming back in the future. Below, we’ll take a closer look at the process we use to keep your yard protected from grubs in the long run.
How Grubs Damage Your Yard
Grubs are quickly able to cause significant damage to your yard by feeding on your root systems. Instead of being their own unique species of insect, grubs are actually beetle larvae. Beetles creep underneath your lawn’s surface and lay their eggs there, instead of in tall grass or standing water like many other insects. Grubs emerge from their eggs underground and chew through your root systems until they develop into adult beetles and start the cycle all over again.
Our Grub Control in Granbury
Fighting grubs and keeping them out of your yard season after season requires a comprehensive approach. Here’s a quick overview of the steps we take to protect your yard from these pests:
Fighting Active Grubs
Due to the damage grubs can cause to your yard, and how quickly they can cause it, it’s important to fight off active grub infestations as quickly as possible. We’ll start the process by investigating your yard. We’ll look for thinning, discoloration, the presence of beetles, and other signs of grub infestations. If we spot these pests in your yard, we’ll utilize our advanced grub control products to quickly neutralize them and prevent them from causing any more damage. And to remedy any damage they’ve already caused, we’ll utilize our proven lawn treatments.
Preventative Grub Control
Grubs are an ongoing threat to your yard, and keeping them at bay requires a long-term strategy. By applying preventative grub control treatments to your yard, we’ll maintain your yard’s defenses against these pests in the long run.
We offer proven grub control to our neighbors in these areas:
- Granbury
- Burleson
- Weatherford
- Aledo
- Cleburne
- Ft. Worth
- Joshua
- And throughout the surrounding communities
For grub control in Granbury, contact us today!