Because the environment is at the heart of all we do, we offer natural lawn care services for our customers. Lawn Doctor understands that some of our customers wish to use only natural lawn fertilizers and natural lawn care products. This is commonly known as “green” lawn care.
Lawn Doctor offers program options which are effective in helping produce a green, healthy lawn. Lawn Doctor natural lawn care programs are effective and committed to Environmental Stewardship. Our natural lawn care services in Northern Colorado are designed with the environment in mind. Customers choosing our lawn and yard care programs may also choose to supplement these services with our Custom Lawn Care options.
Benefits of Natural Lawn Care Services
- Builds organic matter in the soil, increasing soil health
- Stimulates natural soil life
- Strengthens plants’ natural defense systems
- Friendlier for family and pets
- Improves root growth
- Reduces drought stress
What Can You Expect?
When you sign-up for our 5 application Natural Lawn Care Program our local experts will:
- Schedule 5 applications of all-natural fertilizer (every 5-7 weeks) to coincide with critical points during the Northern Colorado growing season.
- Continually monitor your turf for drought stress, disease, and insect infestation.
- Early Spring
- Late Spring
- Early Summer
- Late Summer
- Fall
*Early Spring applications begin Late February/Early March.
*All applications are weather permitting
The best yards look the best because of the professional, consistent attention they receive from Lawn Doctor. You can leave the heavy lifting to us, because our Annual Natural Lawn Care Program will ensure a lush, green lawn you can be proud of.
Results of Natural Lawn Care Services
Utilizing our natural lawn fertilizer offers you an affordable way to integrate environmentally friendly elements into your lawn regiment. Our lawn care services also offer customers the flexibility to choose elements of our traditional Maintainer Care with Natural Mosquito Control, Revive® organic soil conditioner, & a variety of all-natural custom lawn, tree, & pest services to create the yard they desire.
To learn more, contact Lawn Doctor of Fort Collins, CO today.