Tick Control

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Yard Armour® – Tick control services to keep ticks out of your yard

Ticks pose a health threat to your family and pets. Lawn Doctor’s Yard Armour tick control services can provide a protective barrier against these stealthy insects. Our variety of tick control services will not only significantly reduce existing tick problems, but provide ongoing treatments that can keep the ticks from coming back.

Some ticks carry dangerous diseases, like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, but a person who gets bitten by a tick usually won’t feel anything at all. So you want to protect yourself – and your pets – against ticks at all costs. That is where our Yard Armour tick control services can help.

To find out more about how Yard Armour can help control your tick problem, contact .tick-control

A professional from can come to your home and apply control treatments designed to reduce ticks around your property. Our tick control services work with you through the three stages of effective tick control:

  • Prevention: there isn’t a way to prevent ticks from entering your property except by having the proper treatments in place.
  • Control: If you already have a tick problem, our services will help remove them through a range of products and applications.
  • Ongoing Tick Maintenance: Our technicians apply additional treatments to stop ticks from coming back again.


Effective Tick Control Starts with Prevention

Talk to about what you can do to make your property less inviting to ticks. Our Yard Armour experts will help you with effective prevention strategies such as:

  • Applying preventative tick control products to keep them out of the yard in the first place.
  • Cutting back foliage to remove potential habitats for ticks.
  • Pruning your trees and shrubs to reduce shade.
  • Planting greenery that is unattractive to deer and mice, which often carry ticks.
  • Erect a fence to keep deer off the property.
  • Get rid of woodpiles that can be attractive to mice.

Additional preventative strategies that you can do to help eliminate ticks in your yard:

  • Mow your lawn at the height to keep it healthy and keep ticks away.
  • Rake and dispose of leaves that could potentially be a breeding ground for ticks.
  • Put up a barrier of mulch, gravel, or woodchips between your yard and the woods to keep the ticks in the woods – and out of your yard.
  • Keep a bird feeder off the ground and safe from mice, or better yet, don’t put out bird feeders in your yard; dropped seeds will also attract mice.

After prevention, the next step is to actually control ticks in your landscape. offers a variety of tick control programs through Yard Armour that work on reducing your ongoing tick problem almost immediately. Our tick control products are effective and we offer a satisfaction guarantee.

If you are unhappy for any reason with your tick control treatment, we will either come back and reapply the treatment or refund the amount of your last service.

Ongoing Prevention Maintenance can Help Keep the Ticks Out

After your first treatment, your local Lawn Doctor technician can return for additional treatments, to continue to keep those ticks out. Our Yard Armour tick control service will help keep your yard protected.

When it comes to your yard, speak to your local Lawn Doctor professional about what you can do to make your yard less inviting to ticks. Our Yard Armour experts will help you with tick prevention strategies like cutting your grass regularly – not only is it better for your lawn, but it will keep ticks away.

Make sure your property is protected from dangerous ticks by calling your local Lawn Doctor today for a Free Tick Control Consultation.

Ask about the Yard Armour traditional tick control program and our natural tick control program.

At , we know what it takes to reduce ticks and stop them from coming back. We offer a variety of treatments and tick control products that will reduce ticks. After all, what is the point of having a great yard if you do not get to actually use and enjoy it!

Contact today to learn more about our Yard Armour tick and mosquito control services.


*Not Available at all Franchise Locations.