Grub Control in Farmingdale: 3 Signs of Grub Problems

grub control in Farmingdale A healthy lawn requires a strong root sytem, which is why grubs are such a problem. These white beetle larvae exist by consuming the roots of your turf. So, when these pests infiltrate your lawn, you can expect the quality of your grass to decline. Thankfully, our experts are here to help. With our advanced grub control services throughout Farmingdale, Lawn Doctor of Long Island can put a stop to their assault on your roots.

To make sure you secure our expert support as early as possible in order to limit the damage, let’s start by going over three simple ways to diagnose your active grub infestation.

Signs of a Current Grub Infestation

If you notice beetles hovering above your turf, this is a clear sign that you may also have grubs. That’s because grubs are those same beetles in their larva stage. When it comes to their effects on your landscape, look out for the following warning signs:

  • Lawn damage. By chewing up your roots, grubs can cause poor growth, yellow lawn color, spongy texture, and detached turf that rolls up like a carpet.
  • Drought-like conditions. Grub activity will also lead to dry and bleak conditions throughout your lawn, regardless of how often you water.
  • Animal activity. As an added complication, grubs draw attention from scavenging birds and wild animals, as they are a very nutrient-dense and easy meal. These critters will often cause further lawn damage by rummaging through your turf and soil.

Our Professional Grub Control in Farmingdale

While it’s good to know the warning signs, you do not need to fully diagnose any grub problems before giving us a call. If you’re unsure about your current grub situation, we can conduct a full analysis to get to the bottom of the issue. If we find grubs in your soil, we’ll promptly neutralize these root-munching pests and follow up with a customized service plan to restore your yard.

If we do not discover grubs, we can get ahead of the problem with our preventative treatment. Either way, calling our experts is a great way to protect your landscape from these harmful pests.

Lawn Doctor of Long Island offers our grub control services in many towns on Long Island, such as:

  • Farmingdale
  • Long Island
  • Massapequa
  • Port Washington
  • Hicksville
  • Plainview
  • And the surrounding areas

For grub control for your home in Farmingdale, contact us today!