Want to improve the look of your lawn and save yourself valuable time? Choose a lawn service that offers a comprehensive range of treatments and significantly lowers your workload in the area of lawn care. At Lawn Doctor of Greater Chesapeake, we support homeowners in the Great Bridge area through our many professional lawn services. Read below for details about some of the key services this extensive list includes.
Learn More About Our Lawn Services in Great Bridge
Here’s an abbreviated look at the activities our team can manage, as well as those that aren’t included as part of our service list.
What We Cover
- Lawn Fertilization. Fertilizer provides your grass with essential nutrients, furthering its chances of staying healthy and experiencing dense, robust growth. While you may be familiar with the fertilization process, getting it right can be tricky and includes risks such as fertilizer burn. We’ll help you avoid common pitfalls by fertilizing your yard with our custom-blended formulas and meticulous techniques.
- Weed Control. Weeds aren’t only a pain. They can also significantly damage the health of turf grass. Rather than allowing weeds to run wild, call on us to stamp out an infestation and prevent a comeback of invasive plants.
- Power Seeding. Our power seeding services cultivate the soil, promoting better contact between the seed and the ground and setting the stage for thick grass. Because we use our innovative Turf Tamer® machinery to seed lawns, you can count on the right amount of seed being distributed for beautiful results.
What We Don’t Cover
- Lawn Mowing. Lawn mowing isn’t one of the services offered by our local team, but we can still provide you with experienced advice in this area. Our tips can help ensure you’re mowing as efficiently and effectively as possible.
- Watering. While you’ll need to continue watering your lawn, you can trust us to help you understand how often and for how long to water your grass to keep it healthy.
Get the Customized Care Your Lawn in Great Bridge Needs
Our service offerings go beyond what’s listed above and include other important treatments such as mosquito control, core aeration, pH balancing, and more! Discover the difference these services can make for your landscape in:
- Great Bridge
- Chesapeake
- Deep Creek
- Norfolk County
- Or a community in the surrounding areas
For a lawn service in Great Bridge, contact us today!