Lawn Service in Burlington

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Service in Burlington

Keeping your yard healthy and looking its best through the seasons requires a comprehensive treatment plan. At Lawn Doctor of Burlington-Willingboro, we utilize a complete range of proven lawn services to remedy imbalances, fight off external threats, and bring you a lawn that you can be proud of. However, if you’ve never worked with us before, you may not be entirely sure what to expect. Below, we’ll take a closer look at what we do and don’t offer to give you a better idea of what to expect from our service.

What We Cover

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Burlington-Willingboro means working with lawn care experts who utilize a complete range of services to bring out the best in local lawns. Here are a few of the services we offer:

Weed Control

Weed infestations can seemingly pop up out of nowhere, harming your yard’s health by draining away the resources it needs to thrive. To fight these pesky plants, our team uses top-of-the-line weed control products. Our products fight both pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds, bringing you comprehensive protection and a healthier, better-looking lawn.


Supplying your yard with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy is essential, but it can be tough to do by yourself. With our proven fertilization solutions, you’ll get custom-tailored treatments, precise applications, and results you can depend on season after season.


When compression builds in your soil and blocks the healthy flow of resources, it can severely affect your lawn’s overall health. With our advanced core aeration treatments, our team breaks compacted soil apart, restores the circulation of resources, and keeps your yard healthier in the long run.

What Isn’t Covered by Our Lawn Service in Burlington

Although our team offers a complete range of proven lawn treatments, there are a few lawn upkeep processes that fall outside our umbrella of services. Let’s take a closer look at them:


Mowing is one of the services not offered by our company. However, to help you through the process, we’ll give you tips and tricks for maximizing your efforts and mowing at the ideal height for your grass type.


Another process outside our umbrella of services is watering. But our team is here to answer any questions regarding watering and guide you through watering best practices.

Our lawn service brings out the best in lawns located throughout these areas:

  • Burlington
  • Willingboro
  • Edgewater Park
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For lawn service in Burlington, contact us today!