Even the healthiest lawn can get sick or suffer from a lawn disease. The severity is related to the environment and how the lawn is managed. Proper mowing ,watering and fertilization is important in helping your lawn resist lawn diseases.
Dollar Spot is disease that affects all warm season grasses. It first appears as a lesion on the grass blade as it consumes the blade, silver dollar size circles are noticeable in the lawn. Dollar Spot occurs during periods of low soil moisture and low nitrogen fertility.
To control Dollar Spot maintain good soil fertility using a quality lawn fertilizer containing both fast and slow release nitrogen. Avoid mowing the lawn when it is wet and maintain a sharp mowing blade.
Red Thread is a fungal disease which is active when temperatures are in the 68 to 75 degree range with extended periods of wet or very humid weather. Severe infestations will cause the lawn to have a pinkish cast due to the red filament which erupts from the grass blade. Low soil fertility can increase the severity of Red Thread in a lawn.
To control Red Thread maintain good soil fertility using a quality lawn fertilizer containing both fast and slow release nitrogen. Avoid mowing the lawn when it is wet and maintain a sharp mowing blade. Core aeration is also recommended to control thatch where disease organisms live.
Summer Patch is a soil borne diseases that attacks bluegrass lawns. The disease organisms attack and destroy grass roots in the spring. When heat and moisture stress occurs in early summer, circular rings often with a green center appear in the lawn.
To control Summer Patch aerate your lawn annually. Maintaining proper soil pH is also very important in helping the lawn resist this disease. Avoid overwatering as it depletes the soil of oxygen.
Ways to Help Control These Diseases from Invading Your Lawn in Bowling Green, KY:
- Avoid mowing the turf when it is wet
- When Mowing, maintain a sharp blade
- Use a quality lawn fertilizer to maintain good soil fertility
- Have a Core Aeration done on your lawn to increase air circulation