Wilbur is a four year old French Bulldog who loves to run around and play in his Westwood back yard. There’s just one problem. Mosquitoes and other biting insects have made playtime so unbearable. “Wilbur doesn’t even want to go outside,” Pat, Wilbur’s owner, said. “He just sits by the door and refuses to move. It’s so sad.”
Your Pets Don’t Need to Suffer! Mosquito Proof the Pet Yard
Mosquitoes feed on all kinds of animals – including human beings! However, smaller dogs often seem to be the favorite target of these blood-thirsty insects. This may be due to the fact that they’re closer to the ground, as well as many dog’s tendency to root around in the dirt and leaf litter that serves as mosquito’s prime nesting areas.
You can mosquito proof your yard to some extent on your own. This includes eliminating any puddles or standing water on the property. This includes things like bird baths, flower pot saucers, and kid’s splash pools as well as naturally occurring collections of water. The reason you want to do this is because mosquitoes are continually breeding more mosquitoes in the water.
It’s important to refresh any outdoor water bowl your dog has on a daily basis. Additionally, if your dog has his own splash pool, you’ll want to empty it when not in use.
Connect with Westwood mosquito control service for the next step in mosquito-proofing the back yard. They come in with pet-safe products that eliminate mosquito eggs, larva, nymphs and adults. This treatment will apply to any potential breeding and nesting areas, including among any shrubs, around the foundation of your buildings, and along fences.
Just like once a month flea prevention medicine, you can count on needing mosquito control services to visit the property every four weeks or so to repeat treatment. Heavy rains can also cause the need for more frequent treatments.