Would you love to have a lovely green lawn free from unsightly weeds? Does nothing turn your crank more than a patch of crabgrass popping up in your freshly mowed lawn? Are you interested in lawn treatments that mean you have a nicer looking landscape without having to do any more work?
Get ready for the best news you’ve heard all day. Fertilizer is the secret weapon you’ve been looking for in your quest to achieve the perfect lawn. Lots of people know that fertilizer is essential for healthy grass growth, because it provides the unique blend of nutrients and organic material grass needs to thrive. But what lots of people don’t know is that fertilizer plays a critical role in controlling weed growth in the lawn.
Here’s how that works. Let’s take out buddy, crabgrass. I know, I know – you hate crabgrass. Everybody does. But crabgrass is a survivor. It will get started in the poorest, most marginal soils – places where there’s no competition from healthy grass, because healthy grass doesn’t grow there.
And once crabgrass gets started, there’s no stopping it. A single crabgrass plant can set enough seed to grow thousands and thousands of new crabgrass plants. There’s no way you can pull them all, even if you start at sunrise and work all day long.
To eliminate well-established crabgrass from your yard, talk to your Wellesley lawn service about pre-emergent weed control. This is a pet and family-safe treatment that wipes out the crabgrass below the soil. By eliminating the crabgrass before it starts to grow, your yard stays pristine.
However, to keep the crabgrass from getting established in the first place, it’s helpful to address those patches of under-nourished soil that are so favorable to weed growth. Fertilization is the best solution to this problem. Applied three times a year – spring, mid-summer, and fall – fertilizer nourishes the soil so that you can have healthy grass growth. And where you have healthy grass growth, you don’t have crabgrass.