Dollar Spot kind of sounds like the name of a discount store, but in fact, it’s a very common lawn problem. It’s especially common in this part of Massachusetts at this time of year, when the summer sun is hot and everything is dry, dry, dry.
What is Dollar Spot?
Dollar Spot is a disease that impacts grass. When the grass is diseased, it dies off in small, circular patches that are roughly the size of a silver dollar. Some patches of dead grass can be larger – up to six inches in diameter – but the typical patch is coin sized.
Now it is true that many types of diseases, pest problems, and other concerns can cause grass to die off in patches. You can also have bare patches of grass due to heavy foot traffic, dogs going to the bathroom on the lawn, and even heavily compacted soil. So how do you know the issue with your lawn is Dollar Spot?
It’s time to take a good look at your grass. We’re talking about examining individual blades of glass to determine their condition. Choose the grass at the edge of a bare spot, and look at it closely. If you see hourglass-shaped blotches that are reddish-purple on the exterior and paler in the center, it’s Dollar Spot. The disease progresses as these blotches increase in size and number, eventually killing the grass blade by blade.
Another sign to watch for to confirm your Dollar Spot diagnosis is the presence of silvery cobweb-like structures that appear in the infected areas, most often in the morning.
What Causes Dollar Spot?
Dollar Spot is a disease that flourishes in certain specific conditions. You’ll see the worst cases of Dollar Spot in areas where it is dry, and the grass is cut quite short. Dollar Spot also does well with soil that has a diminished level of nitrogen. When the days are warm and nights cool, especially if there’s some dampness in the air, Dollar Spot can spread rapidly. You will see smaller bare patches expand and merge, creating an unsightly mess in your lawn.
What Can Be Done to Get Rid of Dollar Spot?
Eliminating Dollar Spot requires a comprehensive solution that eliminates current disease while improving the lawn health to prevent recurrence. This means working with your local lawn service to treat the lawn with appropriate fungicides – family and pet safe products are available! Additionally, soil testing will reveal the nitrogen situation in your yard. It may be necessary to fertilize the lawn to promote healthy grass growth and restore your yard to its previous glory