Ensuring the long-term health of your lawn requires an adequate understanding of potential threats. Some threats, such as weeds and drought, may already be on your mind. However, pests such as grubs may go under the radar of your awareness. With these critters out of sight in the soil, they are also often out of mind for local homeowners. Simply getting started with professional grub control from Lawn Doctor of Albuquerque can give your grass much-needed protection and help you safeguard the beautiful appearance and pleasant texture of your lawn in Rio Rancho.
What You Need to Know About Grubs
When it comes to maintaining turf health, the expertise of our local technicians goes far beyond the issues of nutrition, hydration, and soil conditions. We also possess in-depth knowledge when it comes to how grubs reproduce and what can stop the cycle of infestation in its tracks. Below are some of the main points we think homeowners should know about these destructive critters:
- The presence of beetles indicates you may have a grub problem in the future. If you have seen common scarab beetles on your lawn, including June Bugs, you may end up with grubs in the soil in the near future. Adult beetles lay their eggs just under the soil, and white grubs, which are the larval form of beetles, emerge from these eggs.
- The roots of turfgrass are the main food source of the white grub. In addition to tunneling beneath the soil, grubs do damage by gnawing on grass roots, disconnecting them from the beautiful turf above. Without the resources that their root systems offer, green grass blades will quickly wither and die.
- Evidence of a grub infestation is relatively easy to spot. You can pinpoint evidence of grub damage by looking for brown areas of deadened grass or soft, spongy spots. Grubs can also be suspected to be at work if larger creatures are digging up your lawn, as this indicates that they have found grubs to eat.
Get Started With Proven Grub Control in Rio Rancho
We’d love to safeguard your lawn and help you enjoy peace of mind about maintaining protection against this small but destructive pest. Our reliable treatments are offered in:
- Rio Rancho
- Albuquerque
- Corrales
- North Valley
- North East Heights
- Bernalillo County
- And communities in the surrounding area
For grub control in Rio Rancho,contact us today!